Monday, October 29

Blown Away!

ERWIN McMANUS is blowing me away with his message series Living An Original Life! Here's a quote from the first message, The Call to an Ordinary Life:

"I get suggestions all the time [from] people who see needs that need to be met... opportunities that need to be taken... ministries that need to be started... and I'm amazed at how many people are cognizant of all the things that need to be done, but are unwilling to rise up and have the courage to do them. See, this is the tragedy: that God called you to do something extraordinary... for you to live an original life. There is a path that God wants you to take, and only your footsteps are supposed to tread there. But if you don't rise up and do what God has called you to do, He's gonna let someone else do it... because it needs to be done."


I want so badly to live an original life before God... to do what He's called me to do... what only I can do. I want my life to count, and I want to fulfill my calling and not forfeit over to someone else any part of the original life God's planned for me...

What about you?

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