Wednesday, August 15

The Hush of God

Great day at the beach! Relaxing and rowdy at the same time... ha! Actually, it wasn't as crowded at Ocean City as it normally is... which was surprising. I really don't mind the hustle and bustle of the beach environment... I'm such a people person that I'm pretty much at home even in a crowd. But there's something to be said for slowing down, and taking it easy... getting away from the fast-pace environment and kicking up your heels a little bit.

Another thing that's different about our beach trip is the weather: usually August is STEAMY hot, but today there was a steady breeze, reminding us that our days of summer will be soon drawing to an end.

As I reflect on those things, I'm reminded of this passage: often, we look for God to show up among the excitement... I mean, He's a God of ACTION, isn't He? So, we look for Him in the windstorm... or the earthquake... or the fire... those places of radical activity, where God shows up and shakes things up... but often he shows up in a gentle breeze. Now, don't get it twisted: many times, God does speak with power (see this verse), and that's an awesome thing! Sometimes, that's what we need... but there are times when God speaks in the hush... and it's no less powerful... and - like Elijah - it's what we need at that moment.

Some of us are moving along at a snail's pace... wasting precious time, and not taking serious the call of God to radical, missional action. And God is getting ready to shake some things up in our lives... and remind us of His power.

But there are some of us who are frantically working... and praying... and laboring... and sacrificing... and we're wondering where God is in all of this.

He's there.

We just may have been looking for Him in the wrong places...

We need to get quiet... and listen for the hush.

Shhh... listen. What's He saying to you?


Jumaine Jones said...

Got to love the beach, bro! Daf and I got a chance to soak some up in the islands. Spent some time with God at the shores, as well.

Jim Henry said...

That's powerful Darren...I experienced the same thing during our trip last week. In the silence of a small Easter Washington town, God spoke volumnes to me. We need that quiet stillness.