Monday, August 20

Freak of the Week!

Some of the bloggers/church planters whose stuff I read frequently have a post entitled "Freak of the Week"... which is a post designated to highlighting one of their volunteers for something they've done that's mildly to majorly extraordinary... or for just being faithful week in and week out with what they do.

Well, I won't do this often... at least, not with the same title... but I want to highlight a bro who - in my opinion - was just over the top this past week. As you may remember, I recommended the Circle Trilogy fiction series by Ted Dekker as my Pastor's Pick reading for August. Justin finished the entire series in about a week and a half!!! THAT'S MAJOR!!! Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE to read, and it took me at least double that time to complete those three books! Dude's a beast!

So, here's to you, J... for heeding the sound advice of your pastor, man! ;-)

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