Sunday, February 11

One Down!

Well, February 11 has come and gone... our first preview service is under our belts... God has been honored... and I'm tired!! :-) Seriously, though... I think it went relatively well... there's definitely some things that we could've done differently... some things that could've been done better. But the main thing is that... GOD GOT THE GLORY!! We had about 60 adults and 22 children tonight... which is a great start! There were many familiar faces (some friends who really wanted to show their support) ... some unfamiliar faces (can't wait to see all the Connection Info)... and many who said they'd be back next month!
Funny... as 5:30 approached this evening... I kinda felt like, "Is this really going to happen?" It seemed like, over the last couple of days, if it could go wrong, it did! And today wasn't much different... I left one of the videos we planned to show at home (inadvertently picked up Streets and Trips... what was I thinking?!?), but that was okay... we had another one to use... or so I thought! We couldn't get that one to go through the projector! But, all in all, we had fun... we will learn from our mistakes... and we will be ready for our next preview service on March 11!!!
Many thanks to all who came out, and especially for all those who helped us get off to a great start!


Sarah Paige said...

I am thrilled to hear of your preview. Eventhough there were some details that were not as perfect as you would have wanted, it sounds like you had an awesome time. God was elevated. Keep posting details on your next preview. God bless. Van

Unknown said...

praise God Darren! What a great start, and I pray that momentum build as you approach the launch service!

Ben Arment