Thursday, April 9

Speaking at Campus Crusade-UMD tonight!

Looking forward to being with my CRU peeps tonight for their large group gathering! They've been going through the Sermon On the Mount, so I'll be closing that out for them.

I absolutely LOVE impacting the lives of college students! There's nothing like seeing the lightbulb come on, and watching them develop into mature Christ-followers. I was 21 and a student at UMD when I became serious about following Jesus. I fellow student challenged me about the way I was living, and I was so impressed with his life that I began spending more and more time with him... and the next semester found myself enrolled in Bible college!

Students are "ripe" because their entire lives are ahead of them... they want to be inspired to live great lives, dream great dreams, and give themselves to something that's BIGGER THAN THEM... what better venture to point them to than the Kingdom of God???

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