Thursday, March 5

Starting Point Groups at Mosaic!

One of our "catch phrases" at Mosaic DC is that we're "connecting people to God and to one another." We are very intentional in living that out... and we put a strong emphasis on being in Connection Groups, which are groups of usually 6-8 people (give or take a couple) that meet together regularly to study the Bible, pray... and have fun (big component). But the emphasis is on connection... and we can't be rightly connected to each other unless we're first rightly connected to God.

So, this year we kicked off for the first time, our Starting Point Connection Group... a place where seekers, starters, and returners can come together and ask questions in a safe environment. Everybody has to begin somewhere... we all have a starting point... and we all have a story. Our story is part of a larger story... and our starting point is understanding where we fit within that larger framework: seeing our story as part of God's bigger story!

If you've been attending Mosaic (or you're just starting to attend, or you would like to start attending), and Starting Point seems like a good "on ramp" for you to get connected... send us an email at, and we'll get you on your way!

This could be YOUR starting point! ;-)

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