Wednesday, September 24

Why Wait??

"This is all the more urgent, for you know how late it is; time is running out. Wake up, for our salvation is nearer now than we we first believed." -- Romans 13:11

This has been a long week... and it's just Tuesday. But, in all honesty, I wish I could rewind time...

My friend Anthony and I had been talking for a few months about getting together. We met through a mutual friend at a nearby Bible college where he worked, and where I often went to study. Anthony had been reading and studying more seriously about the Church, and was really excited about what he was discovering. He'd always been excited about classroom teaching in a Bible college or seminary, but was now beginning to get excited about giving his life to church ministry. It was neat to see the light bulb going off in Ant's head, as we talked about Jesus' Bride and how much He loves His people... and how that should have a profound effect on the way we relate to people, especially those far from Jesus. So, we kept talking about getting together, and discussing more in depth (all of our dialogues were like 10-minute, in-passing conversations) about what we'd been individually learning. We'd say, "You know, we keep saying it... we just need to do it!"

I wish I could rewind time...

On Monday evening, I received a call from a friend (the same guy who introduced Anthony and I) who told me that Anthony had died earlier that day. "What? How??" He said he wasn't really sure... there weren't any concrete answers at the time. Anthony hadn't been feeling well for about a week or so, and he didn't come to work that day (they worked together). But sometime early that afternoon, he felt bad enough to call a friend to take him to the hospital... he never made it. He stopped breathing on the way there... his friend pulled over and called 911 and tried CPR, but Anthony was gone before the ambulance even arrived.

How could this be? Anthony's only 25 years old... in shape and apparent good health... what happened??

Man, I wish I could rewind time!! If I knew I wouldn't have but so much time with Anthony, I'd have been WAY more intentional about getting together and finding ways to help Christ's Church live more missionally. I wish I could rewind time...

... but I can't. And that's the way life is. We've been given "X" amount of time on this earth... we're to use it wisely... and we're to use it for Jesus. I've been asking myself since last night, "If Anthony knew he had a week to live... a month to live... what would he have done differently? Even as a sold out follower of Jesus Christ, would he have invested his time any differently than normal... knowing he didn't have much time left?" Truth is, Anthony has graduated to a better life. I already miss him alot, but he's home with Jesus now... and I know he's heard our Master say, "Well done, My good and faithful servant!" (Matt. 25:21)

But what about us? What if we knew we had a month left to live... how would we invest our time? Would that increase our desire to live more passionately for Jesus? What would we do differently, and how much differently would we live, if our days were numbered?

And if we know what we would do differently, what's stopping us from doing that... NOW?

Why wait?

"So whether we are here in this body or away from this body, our goal is to please him." (2 Corinthians 5:9)


Unknown said...

This really encouraged me to do my job thinking about the people, not just about a To Do List that needs to get done. I think God want's me to think of His people, and to love them as I work to make their experience at CanZion a "God experience". I need to cherish my time with them more, pour into them more and speak life into them. I will definitely do this with more passion than ever. Thanks for that reflection, Pastor D.


You have such an awesome, magnetic personality, Karla... couldn't see you NOT making your time with people encouraging. :-) Keep honoring Jesus, my friend... I appreciate your ministry!