Wednesday, March 26

Wednesday "Wows!"

* Keda and I had to go to Richmond for my annual church planter assessment with the SBC of VA/DC... it went really well! The guys were really encouraged and encouraging about all that God is doing at Mosaic! It's awesome to be connected to people who care about you and support what you're doing for the Kingdom!

* Tomorrow, I have to head back to Richmond for our bi-monthly Statewide Church Planters Network. We have 5-6 of these a year, and I always look forward to them because it's the only time I get to connect with most of the other planters. It's an all-day trip, and kinda tiring, but tomorrow I get to travel with this guy... that's always cool beans! ;-)

* Sitting in Starbucks now... just met a guy named Chris. He's a UMD student (Biochem major... whew!), and is Greek Orthodox... pretty interesting conversation! Told him I would pray for him (just did), that he'd be able to get into a pre-professional school. Gave him one of our impact cards... hopefully, he'll come out!

* Just received an email from one of our first-time guests from this past Sunday... he lives in New Jersey, and was was in town and was invited to Mosaic. He LOVES what he experienced Sunday, and said he's down here often and will schedule his trips so that he can make it out on Sundays, at least twice a month! LOOK AT JESUS!! When you come face to face with the Savior, He begins to rearrange your priorities! ;-)

* Btw, almost all of our guests from Sunday have communicated - either by email or in person - that they plan on returning this weekend... YAY, GOD!!!!

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