Tuesday, February 26

Eye Update

Just a quick update on my eye... not hurting as much as last week, although there are times when the pain does come back. I saw the doctor yesterday, and found out that the pinhole in the bleb is not healing on its own and that I might need surgery (I was seen by my doctor's assistant, and she wasn't sure exactly what the doctor... who operated on me a couple of years ago... would say). He returned today from being out of town, saw the charts, and - you guessed it - I need to have the surgery... ugh.

This surgery won't be as in-depth as the two I had back in '05-'06... but it's still major. So, I'd appreciate your prayers, my friends! ;-)


Jim Henry said...

Hey my friend...

Praying away for you. :)


Thanks, man... I really appreciate it! :-)

Jumaine Jones said...

You got it, bro!

Anonymous said...

praying for you, d!

Anonymous said...

You are definitely in our prayers man!