Wednesday, November 7

The Trap of Comparison

"Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won't need to compare yourself to anyone else" (Galatians 6:4).

Ok... I'm going to be candid here. I sometimes have a comparison problem. I find it very easy to compare myself with others... especially if I think they're better than I am at something. I don't like it... but it's true. It doesn't matter what it is: preaching, blogging, leading, music... whatever. It's a "thorn" that I deal with just about daily. And I don't like it.

"Why do you do it?" you ask? I don't know... it's something I've struggled with for many years. But I desire to be free from the bondage of comparison. I want to live in the freedom that comes from relishing in the identity that God has so wonderfully blessed me with... and excel in all that He's created me to be. I want the "satisfaction of a job well done"... a job that has been uniquely given to me by my heavenly Father, so that I might live free from the dangerous deception of focusing on my weaknesses and not my strengths.

Living and excelling in my sweet spot...
Flourishing by focusing on my unique calling...
Not at all concerned about others and what they're doing or not doing...

...or what people may (or may not) think about me...

Free to be uniquely me... and not someone else.


Unknown said...

D-I just did a post a couple of days ago on this same topic of comparisons. I actually think more of us struggle with this topic, than actually admit. I know that this use to be a serious stronghold for me...I still slip up from time to time.

Unknown said...

Dang - now I want to be like you and not try and be like other people. Im hosed!!!!


Great thoughts!

DJ Chuang said...

Thanks for being honest here.. I too occasionally struggle with this, but with a different spin. I often wish I could be someone else, or wish I could be different (e.g. a more dynamic preacher, a more energetic person, a more resilient person, like so-and-so), but that mostly frustrates me than motivates me.