Sunday, July 22

Sunday Nite Speak...


* Justin continues to bring out new people... the boy's a BEAST!

* I added a "Part Two" to last week's message, The Great Gamble; resonated with a lot of people last week, so we expanded it for a part 2.

* Next Sunday finishes up our Irresistible Influence series... then, we get ready for God On Film!

* Headed to see Ratatouille this Wednesday... should be fun, heard it was a great movie! Pixar is incredible, man...

* This morning at Infinity Church went well... they're a great group of people, and they make it enjoyable to preach there! It's always a great feeling to "go back home." :-)

* We started another "streak" tonight of having newcomers out to our services (via Justin, above).

* I love when our band does Blessed Be Your Name! Great worship set tonight, guys!

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