Sunday, July 29

Sunday Night Speak...

* Finished up our Irresistible Influence series... I think it went well.

* One of our attenders shared his testimony tonight... it was the first time we'd done that... and it was awesome! Part of his God-story was that before he became a Christ-follower, he had seriously been dabbling in the occult... read a tract at the back of a Bible that was given to him... and gave his life to Jesus! YAY, GOD!!!!

* I'm PUMPED about the God On Film series that starts next Sunday!! We're kicking off with Ratatouille: Finding and Pursuing Your Dream! THAT should be alot of fun!

*Led worship this morning at Montrose Baptist Church again... GREAT time! But I'm WHIPPED! Ministering both Sunday morning and evening can take alot out of a bruh! :-)

*My son, DJ, went to Florida with my mom for a week... his brother, Shawn, didn't want to go - doesn't like airplanes. :-) But now Shawn's missing DJ like CRAZY!! Funny how they fight hard, but miss each other as much as they do when they're apart! Haaa!

* I'm often thinking, "Do most pastors go through the summertime blues???" Our attendance has been horrible!! CHURCH PLANTERS: DON'T START YOUR CHURCH HEADING INTO THE SUMMERTIME!! They always tell you that, but you have to listen! :-)

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