Monday, September 18

I'm not SAYING I'm a prophet...

Wow... that's not bad... 27-10... my guess was only off by three points, both ways (see previous post). We should've scored 37 points (at least)!!!! We had so many dropped balls, I was starting to think the refs were greasing them whenever we got on offense! But, the Skins definitely have some problems; so do we... I'm glad we have a bye this upcoming week...

Anyway, back to more important things... Mosaic's first Vision Night is this coming Wednesday evening, Sept. 20. I say "first" because we may do it again, sometime early in 2007 before we officially launch. Our launch team is currently made up of 10 people... I'm hoping to double that come Wednesday... at least, that's my prayer. God is definitely able!

Should be a great night... Jesus will be exalted, and Mosaic will move forward... all's well in the world. :-)

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