Thursday, August 23

When It Rains...

We often think of downpours in our lives as something negative... you know, "when it rains, it pours"... and, really, that is sometimes true (I have a great Dr. Seuss poem to back that up). Trials and hard times often "pop up" at the most inopportune times... and many times they come in "bunches", too. But, you know, that's also the case for God's blessings! It's the lie of the enemy that when God gives, He only gives "just enough"... enough for us "to get by"... enough for us "just to make it." He duped Eve with that... and he's still using that same ol' tired "trick play."

There's a great Greek phrase for that mindset...

Freakin' stupid, man!

No, when God gives... HE GIVES TO OVERFLOWING... He lavishes abundantly... and even when it seems like, "Wow, God blessed me with just enough to make it"... just hold tight: HE AIN'T THROUGH YET! The story's not over... don't close the book... don't sell short on your expectation of God!

Here I was... relishing in God's provision of coming through with a new place for Mosaic to meet... and today I received another call about another place that will be available to meet at a better time: earlier in the day! We're currently meeting at 5:30pm on Sunday evenings... this place will be available for us to meet at 12:30pm!

Yes, Lawd! :-)

See, that's been the prayer all along... that we could find a place to meet that would allow us to hold our service anywhere from 10am to noonish. Well, as you can see, that just might be the case! We're still talking, still praying... but it looks like there's a good chance that could happen! THAT IS FREAKIN' AMAZING!! BTW... my buddy, Dave, never stopped praying to that end... thanks, man!!

So, I'll keep you posted... and you keep praying! ;-)


Jim Henry said...

Hey Darren...I love hearing about the blessings of God! I tell my team consistantly that God WANTS to bless you...His desire isn't to hold it back. If you're not living under the blessings of God, then you need to look inward and figure out why.

Love hearing how God is blessing Mosaic!!!

Don Record said...

I love it! We serve a very GOOD God!

Walls Down Church Kids said...

Sweet---I love following your journey!!